About us

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The Science & Culture Department of Montpellier University coordinates dialogue between science and society through events at the local, national and international level.

Our team is made of people who love sciences of all kinds, and we want to share our passion and knowledge with the public.

Our actions

Discussing science

We organize meetings, debates and two ways discussions between researchers and public so they can share their views about science news

Explaining science

We design, set up and host scientific shows and workshops to introduce children and students to science by the practice and the experiment

Designing science

We also conceive our own thematic events and multimedia tools for people of all ages

What do we do ?

Bar des Sciences

To speak about sciences is a good thing, but to be able to speak directly with the scientists about their researches is way better. The « bar des sciences » is an event which proposes to the public to meet researchers outside the formal frame of conferences.


Plushology : the science of plush toys !

Plushology (the « science » which study cuddly toys) is a travelling exhibition which aims to explain to the young people the notion of classification. But here, the subject are not living beings but cuddly toys ! However the techniques and principles of science involved look alike. You can also check out our website dedicated to plushology: https://peluche.umontpellier.fr/


Atom Hotel (French language only)

Atom Hotel is a web documentary of science dissemination dedicated to the world of atoms. The concept : a virtual hotel of 114 rooms welcomes each of the 114 atoms of Dmitri Mendeleiev periodic table.

Atom Hotel is designed as a collaborative laboratory textbook. Its main objectif is to collectively establishua virtual family album of the entire known chemical elements to this day. The first season is already available on FranceTV Education website.

Fête de la Science 2021

« La Fête de la Science » is a national scientific festival held since 1991. It’s a major event attracting each year more than one million visitors and thousands of researchers. On this occasion, science invests public places through workshops and meetings with the scientists.

For its 30th anniversary, we are responsible for the departmental coordination of the festival in Hérault area.

Contact us

Il you like one of our projects or wish to work with us, please contact us to imagine a fruitful collaboration !


Postal adress

14 + 1 =


163 Rue Auguste Broussonnet
34095 Montpellier cedex 5

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